All of the Satellite Subsystems will be Developed Nationally

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Space Qualified Materials Technology Symposium was held at the Harbiye Military Museum and Culture Site Command in 14-15 December 2015 between the cooperation of Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Development, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, TUBITAK and TUBITAK MRC.

Opening speeches in the symposium were made by Technology and Coordination Assistant Air Pilot Lieutenant General Saban Umut in the secretary of the Ministry of Defense and TUBITAK Marmara Research Center president Assoc. Dr. Bahadir Tunaboylu which in the scope of studies in our country was discussed for the materials technologies in space. For the development of space qualified sub-satellite systems; technology requirements were determined, short and long-term goals were set and government grants and planning in this area were shared.

Within the framework of the symposium and the coordination of the Ministry of Defense R&D and Technology Department, an introduction was made for work in progress sub-system project “Earth Observation Satellite Technologies (IMECE)” which is supported by Ministry of Development, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology and TUBITAK; as part of this project Solar Panel, Solar cell and development of Lithium-Ion Battery sub-system projects protocol/contract signing ceremony was also held.
