Metallic Material Technologies

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Metallic Material Technologies Research Group conducts research, development, technology transfer and prototype production in cooperation with civil/military public institutions, private sector and universities on high value-added, innovative and advanced technology metallic materials, and transfers its knowledge to the industry of Türkiye.

Fields of Activity:

  • To develop materials for hydroelectric power plants and high temperature metallic materials for aerospace, energy and nuclear applications,
  • Superalloy and Investment Casting Technologies: Vacuum induction melting, directional solidification/single crystal solidification technology, model design and ceramic mold production techniques with 3D Printer,
  • Coating Technologies: Thermal barrier coating applications,
  • Qualified Steel Alloys: Studies of new generation steels, advanced high-strength flat steels, advanced armor steels,
  • Steam and Gas Turbine Power Plant Material Technologies: Damage analysis of fixed and moving parts, alloy development and prototype manufacturing

Technologies and Rehabilitation;

Our Non-Destructive Testing Laboratory has accreditation in UT, RT, DR, MT, PT methods according to EN 17025 standard. It has competent personnel qualified with Level 3 and Level 2 in EN ISO 9712 industrial applications. It also has Level 3 personnel competencies qualified in accordance with NAS410/EN4179, according to international aviation standards. Many important defense industry and aerospace organizations in Türkiye are offered solutions and collaborations in the field of non-destructive testing.

Computed tomography (320kV CT) and PAUT applications from volumetric inspection methods, FPI system that meets the requirements of aviation standards (in accordance with ASTM E1417 requirements) and universal magnetic particle test system (ASTM E1444) for surface inspections. 

  • Titanium Technologies; Implant and motor applications
  • Aluminum Technologies: Studies on Automotive alloys
  • Magnesium Alloy Technologies: Development of magnesium alloys for transportation (automotive, train, aircraft), defense, electronics and implant applications
  • are among the main activities.