Photovoltaic Solar Panels has Developed

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Photovoltaic solar panels with 16.5% efficiency were developed in collaboration with TUBITAK MAM and Schmid-Pekintas Energy Inc.

During the manufacturing of photovoltaic solar panels many materials was used  such as glass, solar cell, strip wire, intermediate polymer sheet, a rear sheet, aluminum frame and junction box. As a result of optimization process in the production of photovoltaic solar panels as well as the right choice of materials, highly efficient solar panels can be produced for many years to serve.  In this context, the collaboration between TUBITAK MAM and Schmid - Pekintaş Energy Inc. showed its preliminary results and was developed 16.5%.efficient photovoltaic solar panels.

TUBITAK MRC Materials Institute researchers said that these results are just from the initial studies and added that following studies will continue for the development of even more efficient modules by optimization of low cost consumables and manufacturing processes.
