TUBITAK MRC and ASİLÇELİK Cooperation on High Quality Steel Production

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Although our country’s steel production ranks as 8th in the World in quantity, most of the production is consisted of trade products of low quality. In 2014, Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology started efforts targeting an increase of our competition in the steel sector. Moreover, our Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoğlu shared the transformation package including structural reforms with public opinion, which is related with “1350 action plans under 25 topics” that will open the transformation in Turkish economy and supply a strong and balanced growth. The two strategic targets which are determined in these efforts for our sector are the establishment of production technologies from ore rather than scrap, and increase in the amount of products with added-value.

ASİLÇELİK is one the few facilities in our country, which produces high quality steel. It is decided that ASİLÇELİK and TÜBİTAK MRC Materials Institute will cooperate in improving the product range at present and thus increasing product added-value and producing high quality steel and stainless steel needed for defense and production industries. Results of this cooperation would be the national production of several types of steel, which are being imported at the moment.

Meeting was attended by ASİLÇELİK Board of Management Member and TÜBİTAK Scientific Board Member Kerim DERVİŞOĞLU, ASİLÇELİK Director – General Osman KILAVUZ, TÜBİTAK MRC Vice President of Strategic and Technological Improvement, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Murat MAKARACI and executives and researchers of Materials Institute.
